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Windows 7 Beta 1将于明年1月13日发布_新闻资讯_中关村在线种植

发布时间:2020-04-19 14:41:16 阅读: 来源:相纸厂家

Windows 7 Beta 1将于明年1月13日发布_新闻资讯_中关村在线

国外著名Windows7信息站点昨日发布文章,称Windows 7 Beta 1将于明年1月13日发布。早在10月底的PDC2008大会上,微软部门经理Steven Sinofsky就宣布称Windows 7 Beta1将在明年初发布。如今,一名微软内部人士在其博客上透露了Windows 7 Beta 1的具体发布时间,而这个时间,就是2009年的1月13号左右。

Windows 7 Beta 1将于明年1月13日发布

另外,据MSDN开发者会议的推广公告称,所有与会者都将获得一份Windows 7 Beta1的DVD,而第一次会议就定在本月9号,也就是下周二。那是否意味着Windows 7 Beta 1在本月就能与公众见面呢?答案是否定的。


上个月我曾私下里说Windows 7 Beta1将会在CES上公布,而现在,可以公开发表这一观点了。微软CEO鲍尔默将会在1月7号发布CES的keynotes。而毫无疑问地,鲍尔默将会在CES上展示Windows 7,而此后必定会有版本被公布出来,这就使得1月13号成为Windows 7 Beta1的最佳发布时间了。


At the Professional Developers Conference in late October, Windows chief Steven Sinofsky announced that Windows 7 Beta 1 would be ready “early next year。” A Microsoft insider has now confirmed the actual date, which is indeed very early next year。 In a comment on his blog, Keith Combs has revealed that Windows 7 Beta 1 will be available on or around January 13, 2009。

Keith’s post links to a promotional announcement for the MSDN Developer Conference series, where every registrant “will receive a Windows 7 Beta 1 DVD。” The first event in the MSDN series is next week, on December 9, in Houston。 So does that mean the next Windows 7 beta will be ready for public distribution this month? According to Keith, the answer is no:

My understanding is that the DVD will not be ready for the first few show dates but will be mailed to each attendee。

We are targeting to have the DVD’s in the materials from 1/13/2009 on。

So I would imagine the folks attending the Houston, Orlando and Atlanta shows this month will receive their DVD’s around mid January as well。 That’s an assumption on my part。 Could be earlier or later, but they will get them。



